My client is looking for a dove logo for their home cleaning service.
I began by drawing every dove I could think of, to warm up.
I then created 10 digital sketches.
He liked the look of number 1 and 7. Then he sent me a quick sketch showing me how he would like the wings. The company name had not been completely determined yet so the text here is a place holder.
He selected number 1a. Next I vector the figure and gather some type options.
He liked the Cubano type from the 1st option and the icon of the 4th option.
However, he isn't completely sold on the wings yet. So he sent me another sketch of what he is thinking. It looks like he wants the wings to be more open concept.
So I gather his last set of options.
Number 1 is the one. With a final request to remove the "s" in the first type option, this logo is complete and they have landed on a company name.
Here is the logo applied to their uniforms and socials.
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